Digital Marketing has transformed a lot in last few years and it is still evolving. As a marketer you keep a keen eye on every significant change and base your marketing strategy as per these changes. Predicting the future accurately is not possible, however you make assumption on the basis of data and present trends. After an extensive research and deep analysis, here are 6 things which may become prominent in digital marketing in the future.
Mobile First –
Since almost everyone has a mobile these days, Mobile Marketing has become a hot trend. Promotional messages and calls on mobiles are old fashioned. Businesses are capitalizing on the new mobiles features such as internet, email, social media and more. The enamorous popularity of smartphones and tablets have opened the new gate of opportunities for marketers. Mobile internet users have already outnumbered desktop users, so giving priority to mobile makes sense. Mobiles are convenient and portable that’s why people often keep it on themselves, most of the time. In the coming years the numbers of mobile internet users will grow so a business should be ready to make full use of it. A responsive website which can fit in any screen is a basic need for mobile marketing. Many businesses have already optimized their websites for mobile users, you would lag behind, if you don’t have a mobile marketing strategy.
Rise of Video content –
People enjoy watching videos more than anything else on the internet. Video content attracts people and deliver a brand’s message effectively. As per the findings of Forrester Research one minute video and 1.8 million words have equal effect on the human mind. Over a hundred million people watch online videos every day and this number is rapidly increasing. Realizing the popularity and impact of videos, businesses are creating video content and publishing it on their websites and Youtube channels. Companies can use videos in Promoting new products, helping customers with how-to-do guides, success stories, testimonials and many other things. Businesses will extensively use video content in the future.
Social Media will be more prominent –
Social media has become an addiction for the new generation, most of the people have at least one account on a social media site. Facebook alone has more than a billion users. Twitter is another very popular micro blogging social site. Social Media Marketing is an effective medium to connect with people and accelerate lead generation and sales. Social media sites drive the most traffic to websites after Google Search. Businesses have increased their marketing budget to capture their target audience on social media.
User Generated Content –
As the name suggests User Generated Content is created and published by general masses. It is beneficial in several ways, first such content comes directly from people so it is more credible and trustworthy, secondly you don’t have to employ resources for content. User Generated Content promotes a brand and enhances its market reputation. A comment on your blog or Facebook post, image and videos sent by customers are some of the best example of such kind of content. It can be in any form text, video, image, and more. Marketers often encourage people to provide content by providing some freebuddies to them. This trend will likely to grow further in the future.
Use of Personalization –
You may have come across emails addressed with your first name. Statistics show that businesses which use personalized marketing gets more positive responses from customer than those that don’t. According to Marketingprofs use of personalization increases the sales by 19%. It has become an important part of marketing strategy today. Companies are trying to woo customers using personalization tactics. In content too businesses show their human side and use a conversational tone for a personal touch. This trend will continue in coming days as people like it.
Content Marketing will bloom –
Google gets millions of search queries every minute, people look for various sorts of information online. By providing relevant information to people you can convince and convert them into your loyal customers. Content rules the internet and it will continue doing so in the future. SEO is entirely based on content, so good quality content can drives traffic, enhance search engine ranking and generate revenue for the company. Content Marketing is something that everyone is doing these days, but adopting the right kind of content strategy is important.
To sum up Digital Marketing will keep changing with time and you have to keep pace with it to harness the full benefits of it. Introduction of smartphones have enabled people to use most desktop internet feature on their mobile. These days social media apps come pre installed in mobiles so they can connect with the world with just a click of the finger. Marketers come up with innovative ideas and plans to attract people and digital marketing is their best bet for it.