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Effective Facebook Marketing Tactics for 2015

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It’s been a kickass start to Facebook in 2015!

At the beginning of this year, Facebook made some quick changes that impacted Facebook Pages positively.

This blog post covers the changes that Facebook marketing has implemented so far that businesses should know about and figure out what works these days. Let’s quickly take a closer look at the changes made by Facebook.

Before you delve into the facebook marketing tactics for 2015, let’s do a quick recap on the recent change on Facebook. To begin with, Facebook outlined a change that came into effect in January 2015 and also targeted three types of posts to decrease reach on the data by the means of users.

  1. Primarily, posts that only drive people to buy product or service.
  2. Secondarily, posts that drive people to enter promotional stuff and that too without any real context.
  3. Lastly, posts that reuses the same content from ads.

Lets have a short and quick recap to the above points. Doing dynamic posts is not good for your business and if you consistently do “pushy” posts this will definitely reduce the reach of posts and you will no more see such posts on your business page.

After pushy posts, context is the next big thing. Introducing contests to your page is fine until they are relevant to your business. For instance, a professional painter outlining a special discount contest is relevant as it requires adding informative details to your contest post. So, definitely IT IS NOT SPAMMY. However, a post that says “Enter to win a Gift card” is not informative enough, so here you have to use your common sense in summarizing what actually your contest demands.

The last one describes replicating from Ads. Put your own effort and create something new that could attract many eye-balls. DON’T COPY THE CONTENT FROM ADS.

Let’s dig more into specific changes made on Facebook in 2014 that had impacted marketing in 2015.

1. Decline of Reach

It was one of the biggest changes on Facebook in 2014. Not many of you are clear with what actually reach is all about. Basically, reach is the amount of Facebook users within a location that see a post that a Page publishes. In the beginning of 2014, Facebook had started making changes to their algorithm and continued with further more updates.

During that period, more than 70% of all companies across the world had a decline in organic reach of 30% or more in the past year. Businesses that are new to Facebook marketing assume that a large number of fans see their posts, and it comes as a great shock when the reality dawns.

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2. Facebook clampdown on “Like-Baiting”

In 2014, Google announced a change for better quality content in the Newsfeed by clamping down on what usually ‘Like-Baiting” posts by Pages. The sole purpose for its introduction is to halt Pages from getting fans to comment in an unauthentic way.

3. Shutting the “Like” door

Finally, during the last half of 2014, Facebook announced the most crucial change by banning the use of “Like Gates”. Users shouldn’t be encouraged to use plugins or to like a Page, which includes offering eye-catching rewards, or gating apps or its content liked by the person. The main aim of shutting “Like gates” is to ensure quality connections and help businesses to reach potential customers. This way, both the advertisers and people will be benefited.

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